az en ru
Company Manager's Appeal

Aydin Damirov

General Director

Company Manager's Appeal

Since 2016, "Aztasarrufat" LLC has been known for its successful work, experience and sustainable activity in the non-oil sector. It is contributing to the strengthening of the country's economy. The main priority task of the company is cultivation and processing of cotton. Today, the goal of our State and each of us is to achieve higher indicators in non-oil exports, based on the tasks set in the socio-economic development strategy and sound principles, thereby strengthening the position of our republic in the world economy. President Ilham Aliyev always mentions that our country is developing rapidly, major infrastructure projects are being implemented, and the general economic situation is very positive in his meetings on the social and economic sphere. He emphasizes that the economy, non-oil sector, non-oil industry and agriculture are growing. The development of cotton cultivation is of particular importance in providing permanent employment to the rural population and in strengthening the fodder base of animal husbandry. The high development of cotton cultivation in Azerbaijan is directly related to the name of the Great Leader Haydar Aliyev. During the leadership of our national leader, cotton growing in our republic was rapidly developed, and the great industrial potential of this field was created. Our company, based on international experience, constantly applies new technical equipment and innovations in its work. It regularly benefits from the experience and knowledge of foreign experts. With this, we provide high-quality products to our customers with our efficient and professional work, and make our competitive policy stable in the international market. Our goal is to move forward with a strong, friendly team and to maintain this status with big and confident steps. The key to success is to love your profession and be united. Based on the support of our state, we can say that we are proud of our activity principle and achievements as "Aztasarrufat" LLC in strengthening and developing the country's economy.