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In the cotton fields owned by "AztasarrUfat" LLC located in Salyan, proper soil care, cultivation measures, timely implementation of fertilization and irrigation rules, the rich experience of farmers in the field of cotton cultivation create a great opportunity to increase crop production. Cotton harvesting in the country begins in the first 10 days of September. Salyan farmers are also preparing for cotton harvest. One of the main conditions for obtaining a high-quality product in cotton farming is the implementation of timely, correct and effective control measures against cotton pests, diseases and weeds. Before harvesting, cotton leaves are chemically defoliated (defoliation) in order to collect the product quickly and without loss. Currently, the farmers of the Agro Park cotton processing farm located in Salyan are carrying out defoliation measures in the fields. Salyan's "white gold" craftsmen are working hard to successfully finish the farm year.